Ideas for the Party Human

Posts Tagged ‘active games

Dodge-Tag (E)–You will need a soft ball, like a Nerf ball.  One player is “It,” and the rest run as It tries to hit one of them with the ball.  When It hits someone, that person must become It.

Duck, Duck, Goose (YC)–This game is played like the old favorite, “Drop the Handkerchief.”  The children sit in a circle on the floor, and one who is “It” goes around the outside of the circle, tapping the heads of the others lightly and saying, “Duck, duck, duck,” etc., until she decides on one to be the goose.  When she says, “Goose!”, the child then tapped gets up and chases It around the circle, trying to tag her before she gets to his seat.  If she reaches his seat safely, he will be the new It.  If she is tagged, she must try again.

Farmer-and-Crow Relay (C)–Divide the children into two equal teams.  They line up in two single files behind the starting line.  The first player in each line is the Farmer.  The second is the Crow; the third is a Farmer; the fourth is a Crow, and so forth.  Give each team five or more bean bags.  At the signal to go, the Farmer places the bean bags in a straight line about two feet apart, with the last bean bag on the finish line.  He then runs back and tags the next player in his team.  This player, the Crow, must hop on one foot over the bean bags.  When he has hopped over the last one, he may then hops back on the other foot, picking up the bean bags as he comes.  He gives them to the next player in line, and that player repeats the Farmer’s action.  This goes on until each player in one of the teams has finished the course, and that team is the winner.

Featherball (C, T, A)–Play with two to four players, depending on whether you want to play singles or doubles.  Place a small fluffy feather on the floor in the middle of a playing area that’s ten feet long by five feet wide.  The players must kneel with their hands behind them.  On a signal, each tries to blow the feather over his opponent’s goal line.

One variation is to play the same game on a table and allow the players to lean over into the “playing field.”

 Feather Race (E)–Give each contestant a knife with a feather, leaf or some other light object on it.  The idea is to see who can go across the room and back again fastest, keeping the object on his knife.  If the object blows or falls off, it must be replaced before the person can continue.

Fruit Basket (C, T, A)–The guests sit in a circle, with one player chosen to be It standing in the center.  Have the guests number off by fours.  The Ones will be Lemons; the Twos are Oranges; the Threes are Apples, and the Fours are Bananas.  “It” will then call off one of these four fruits.  Then everyone who belongs to that group must change places with some other person of that fruit.  The three remaining fruits stay seated.  While the change is going on, It tries to steal one of the seats.  If he does, the one left without a seat becomes It, and the one who was It becomes one of that kind of fruit.  The play continues in this manner with It calling out the different fruits in random order.  Occasionally, It may call, “Fruitbasket!”  When he does this, everyone must change seats.  This game can be adapted to fit many different themes by changing from fruit to some other category.


Since there are so many games in this category, I’m going to just post a few at a time.

Active Adverbs (T, A)–Have the players form two teams of ten or another even number.  One team will be the Actors, and the other, the Askers.  Teams sit facing each other about twelve feet apart.  Team members participate in pairs, so give each pair on each team a slip of paper on which an adverb has been written, which they must keep secret from the other team.  The first pair of the Actors will perform any task the Askers requests in the manner of the adverb written on their paper.  The Askers try to discover the adverb by asking the Actors to demonstrate the adverb through their actions.  For example, the first pair of the Actors may have the adverb “briskly.”  If the first pair of the Askers asks them to pace the floor, they do so briskly.  If the adverb is not guessed, then the second pair of Asker may ask them to shake hands, which they do in a brisk manner.  Each pair of Askers will make a request until someone guesses the correct adverb.  Then the Askers score two points, and the Actors get one point for trying.  If, after five attempts to guess the adverb, the Askers fail, the Actors announce the adverb, and each team scores one point for trying.  Roles are then reversed, and the games continues with teams alternating roles of Actors and Askers until every pair has a chance to present an adverb.  The team with the highest score wins.

Animal (T, A)–The guests sit in a circle and each one chooses the name of a different animal.  The leader starts the game off by being “It,” and he holds a rolled-up newspaper in his hand.  He calls out the name of an animal, and the person representing that animal must quickly stand and say the name of another animal in the group before It hits him on the head or shoulder with the newspaper.  The person representing that animal must do the same, and on it goes until It succeeds in hitting someone.  That person then becomes the new It.

This game can be adapted to fit many party themes by having the players choose names other than animals, such as flowers, cities, etc.

Animals on the Loose! (YC, C)–Mark off two corners of the playing area as “pens.”  Break up the players into groups of three or more and designate each group with a different animal name–dogs, sheep, rabbits, bears, etc.  One person, called the Chaser, stands outside the pen where all the others are standing.  The Chaser calls the name of any animal group, and all of the players in that group must run for the opposite pen.  Any “animals” caught must help the Chaser to tag other “animals.”  The game continues until the first pen is empty.

 Animated Proverbs (T, A)–Divide guests into small groups and give each group a slip of paper on which a proverb has been written.  Allow each group a few minutes to prepare its presentation of the proverb, either in pantomime or acting out with spoken lines.  (They must say the proverb itself, of course, or any significant part of it.)  As each group performs, the others watching must guess the proverb the group is portraying.

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